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  Loading into Browsers
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Loading Certificates into Browsers

To complete the registration process your personal certificate must be loaded into your web browser. Some Certification Authorities issue certificates in a format that can be loaded directly into browsers.

If you think you already have a valid personal certificate loaded you can test it here.

Browsers (including Internet Explorer and Netscape) use a different format for certificates to LCG grid software. Browsers require a format called PKCS12 whereas grid software uses PEM format. If your certificate was issued to you in PEM format then you can use the following command on a machine with the openssl package installed to convert from PEM to PKCS12.

openssl pkcs12 -export  -inkey userkey.pem -in usercert.pem \
                         -out my_cert.p12 -name "My certificate"

Where -

userkey.pem is the path to your private key file (This should be set with permissions so that only you can read it.)
usercert.pem is the path to your certificate file.
my_cert.p12 is the path for the output PKCS12 format file to be created.
"My certificate" is an optional name which can be used to select this certificate in the browser after you have loaded it if you have more than one loaded.

Instructions to load certificates into some common browsers are given below. Version number are given for guidance only.


Mozilla (version 5.x) or Netscape (version 7.x)

  1. Start Mozilla or Netscape
  2. Go to the Edit menu and select "Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates -> Manage Certificates"
  3. Choose Import Certificate option
  4. Give the path to the file my_cert.p12
Netscape (version 4.x)

  1. Start Netscape.

  2. Go to the Communicator menu and select "Tools -> Security Info".

  3. Click on "Certificates/yours'' section. This will open a dialogue box.

  4. Click on "Import a Certificate'' button. You will be asked a new password to protect your Netscape Certificate Database (remember this password as you will need it to import other certificates). You will be able to choose your PKCS12 (.p12) file from a standard file selection dialogue.

Internet Explorer (version 6.x)

  1. Start Internet Explorer

  2. Go to the Tools menu and select "Internet Options".

  3. Choose the Content tab and click on Certificates which will open a dialogue box.

  4. Click on Import to start the Import wizard and follow the instructions. The certificate should go into the "Personal'' certificate store and you should also select "high security" to prevent Internet Explorer saving your pass phrase.

Opera (version 7.x)

  1. Start Opera
  2. Go to the File menu and select "Preferences -> security -> manage certificates"
  3. Choose the Personal tab
  4. Click on Import to start the Import wizard and follow the instructions. The certificate should go into the "Personal'' certificate store.

Konqueror (version 3.x)

  1. Start Konqueror
  2. Go to the Settings menu and select "Configure Konqueror -> Crypto -> Your certificates -> Import"
  3. Give the path to the file my_cert.p12


Feedback:LCG Security Webmaster      
Last update:
Friday, 11-Jul-2003 16:20
Copyright CERN