Some papers by Maria Dimou (VOMS manager 2003-2009) on features WLCG absolutely needed. This text assumes that the notion of Virtual Organisation (VO) and the nature of VOMS Group_Role and VOMS Group are known.
CHEP 2009 paper on the VOMRS-to-VOMS-Admin migration. See points 4.1 and 5.1.2 about VO Registration approval, reniewal, Institute representation, approval into a Group/Role.
VOMRS-to-VOMS-Admin migration effort index. The minutes of these events show when, how, why things were done. This might be important to avoid:
Before VOMS-Admin and before VOMRS, authentication was LDAP-based. See here notes from the era of LCG Registrar.
What about the Middleware? Everything related, at least, to Data Management and Monitoring will have to become aware of the new Auth/AuthZ tools and workflows. See slide 21 in this presentation to make a realistic plan.
List of sine qua non features. They contain savannah tickets links which still work. They were all migrated in JIRA, so you can find them there as well.
See examples here taken from Maria’s 2009 notes of the Working Group. Consult the ticket for full description:
A. Security-related items:
1.Multiple certificate support
2.Authorisation-aware web UI
3.VO membership expiration bound to AUP version
4.Allow user to request his/her inclusion in a VO Group/Role
5.Keep user Registration Data in the VOMS database
6.Show VOMS Group_Role description on the UI
7.Show Group description on the UI
8.Implement member institutional expiration - this was considered very important and taken from the LHC DB alias CERN HR DB
9.Extend member status - mostly by the VO manager. Could cover cases of users with expired certs
B. Items on functionality required by VO managers:
C. Interface to an external Information source, e.g. Organisational DB:
Please feel free to browse through my notes for any other info you may need.