the user is as a valid LDAP entry in a given
(s)he will automatically appear in the grid-map
§file a
few hours later, e.g.:
Dimou 7577" .dteam
§The user should be present in, both, the Guidelines’ and the VO LDAP as checked by the /opt/edg/etc/ edg-mkgridmap.conf
§# LCG
Standard Virtual Organizations
ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=lcg1,o=alice,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org .alice
ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=lcg1,o=atlas,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org .atlas
ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=lcg1,o=cms,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org .cms
ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=lcg1,o=lhcb,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org .lhcb
ldap://lcg-vo.cern.ch/ou=lcg1,o=dteam,dc=lcg,dc=org .dteam
AUTH: authorization URI