Last Update: 2004-08-31
All Computing Elements (CEs) will need to become accepted clients of the VOMS
server in order to run the edg-mkgridmap script from RPM location
and generate the grid-map file from VOMS.
The following procedure explains how these CEs (called remote_hosts
further on in this document) become eligible to access the VOMS server and
list the contents of the VOs defined there.
A good way to grant access to the compatibility interface for a remote_host is to change the ACL of the VO group (named /atlas, /dteam etc.). This can be done:
Operation: list
Admin DN, Admin CA: the remote_host 'DN & CA
edg-voms-admin --url=http://localhost:8080/edg-voms-admin/dteam add-acl-entry
/dteam allow list .remote_host .pem
Create on the VOMS server side the Role=VO-List in the VO group. Add the client remote_host as a user and a member of this Role. Document explains the steps in detail. The draw-back of this method is that the remote_host has to be registered as a VO member together with the actual users.
PENDING ACTIONS FOR MARIA: I need to enter voms-httpd as alternative procedure here Write about the exact lines needed in edg-mkdgridmap.conf for LHC exp. VOs. Correct typos.
Maria Dimou with advice from Karoly Lorentey, IT/GD Grid Infrastructure Services.