VOMS deployment issues

Last Update: 2005-03-23

CERN background information:

Software versions we run today on the CERN SL3 VOMS server [VOs configured: ALICE,ATLAS,CMS,DTEAM,LHCb,SIXT, SEEGrid] https://voms.cern.ch:8443/edg-voms-admin/[VOname]/index.html (load your certificate to open this URL)
- edg-voms-admin v0.7.6-1, server side is v0.7.6 by K.Lorentey from Budapest University.
- edg-voms Version: 1.3.7, Compiled: Feb 4 2005 14:41:46
by V.Ciaschini/V.Venturi from CNAF
- edg-mkgridmap version 2.1.1 by F.Spataro from Parma
- Globus as packaged in VDT1.2.0rh9 (Globus 2.4.3 + patches).<

Software versions we run today on the CERN RH7 VOMS server [VOs configured: ALICE,ATLAS,CMS,DTEAM,LHCb] https://lcg-voms.cern.ch:8443/edg-voms-admin/[VOname]/index.html (load your certificate to open this URL)
- edg-voms-admin v0.7.3, server side is v0.7.6 by K.Lorentey
- edg-voms Version: 1.3.1, Compiled: Feb 4 2005 14:41:46
by V.Ciaschini/V.Venturi
- edg-mkgridmap version 2.1.1 by F.Spataro
- Globus as packaged in VDT1.1.13rh7gcc3 (Globus 2.4.3 + patches).

NB! This machine will be re-installed with SL3 and will become the (FNAL) VOMRS test host for the LHC Experiment VOs.

Summary on product status:

We are reasonably happy with the recent VOMS installation on voms.cern.ch (SL3), thanks to our YAIM experts'help.

To repeat the exercise in the future, we need the provision of a pre-packaged "voms-server" rpm distribution, as sorting out the dependencies is quite difficult.

In any case, as one can see in the pre-selected savannah searches there are many pending bugs, tasks and submitted patches for the next LCG2 release: http://cern.ch/dimou/lcg/voms/savannah_entries_on_VOMS_VOMRS.html

This savannah selection covers projects 'lcgoperations', 'jra1' and 'jra3'. However, this report and the VOMS deployment documentation we wrote only covers experience from installation and testing of the software available in the LCG CVS. As there is different code in the various CVS repositories it is difficult to know which bugs might affect us as well but are registered under a different area.

The existence of code in multiple CVSs is a big problem today. It even creates operation problems within a given VO. The USATLAS sub-group of the ATLAS VO can't be used by our american colleagues, due to inter-operability problems between code on the server voms.cern.ch and the rest of Open Science Grid (OSG) software environment.

Related to VOMS-core (server and client) code maintained at CNAF:

Vincenzo.Ciaschini@cnaf.infn.it (VOMS core service development) is the main developer. Vincenzo was ill for months and Valerio Venturi was replacing him as the product maintainer. We had a difficult situation while their software passed through versions 1.3.1 to 1.3.7 (on the LCG CVS) within a few days due to intermediate problems with dependencies and some omissions in the tag that made it temporarily un-installable. At this moment we run the latest version on voms.cern.ch and there seems to be no problem but we didn't stress performance tests.

We need:

Related to upcoming LCG2 Release integration issues:

The vomses directory that comes with LCG2 2_3_0 points to the old CERN RH7 VOMS server (bug #6983). This directory is important because it is used to check valid membership in a VO when users run the voms-proxy-init command.

Our recommendation for LCG2 2_4_0 is to use (LCG CVS version numbering):

grid-map file for mixed environment (LDAP and VOMS-based VOs co-exist):

The users shouldn't be asked to register in 2 different places, one for Usage Rules acceptance (lcg-registrar) and another one for entering the VO (VOMS). I started this discussion with the CDF VO example on 13 Dec 2004 copying all interested parties.

Meanwhile the Joint Security Policy Group (JSPG) decided to turn the (so far common) Usage Rules into a minimal common set of Rules as needed by the sites and a separate per VO Acceptabe Use Policy. The VOMS or VOMRS registration interfaces should be equiped with the exact Acceptabe Use Policy of each specific VO and VOMS-only-based VO members should get into the grid-map file despite the fact that lcg-registrar (auth line in edg-mkgridmap.conf) doesn't contain them.

This required a edg-mkgridmap script kindly contributed by its original author Fabio Spataro (patch #324). We received mid-February 2005 edg-mkgridmap 2.4.0 that had a bug with SSL connections to VOMS databases. edg-mkgridmap 2.4.1 is available now, probably not sufficiently tested.

Support issues for other VO server managers:

We helped the BIOMED VO manager to set-up a VOMS server by providing a step-by-step documentation and answering questions by email and phone. It will be difficult to diagnose installation and configuration problems in different and remote system environments in the future, especially when Karoly Lorentey, the voms-admin developer leaves CERN in April 2005.

Notes from a meeting with managers of VOs using lcg-registrar.cern.ch via https://lcg-registrar.cern.ch/cgi-bin/register/account.pl for Usage Rules' acceptance and VO membership registration can be found here.

Support issues for LHC experiment VO managers:

The User Registration Task Force (TF) (Mandate) aims at making tools compliant to the new GDB-approved User Registration Requirements by extending their functionality according to the (also GDB-approved) proposal. The LHC Experiment VO candidate members and VO managers will not use voms-admin, i.e. the what looks like https://voms.cern.ch:8443/edg-voms-admin/[VOname]/index.html but they will use (FNAL-developed) VOMRS, i.e. what looks like https://hotdog62.fnal.gov:8443/vo-LCG/vomrs (load your certificate to open these URLs)

The actual underlying VODB will still be VOMS. The VOMRS interface will be tailored to link to the CERN HR db (ORGDB) according to the GDB requirement. Problems:

Please read the notes of our monthly check-point meetings for details on the TF progress.

Support issues for other VO managers:

The voms-admin distribution on the EGEE CVS repository looks different to the one on the LCG one and, actually, contains different code. We need to use voms-admin for DTEAM and SixT VO management. We won't be able to provide support to VOs which use the EGEE code. Important Security Requirements for user registration are not yet implemented in voms-admin namely:

A reliable VOMS service at CERN for DTEAM and LHC experiment VOs:

In November 2004, wishing to replace our VOMS server by a high-availability service, with proper backup and system monitoring, we wrote the Functional requirements for a centrally managed VOMS service as requested by the IT DataBase group. This request is refused by them, so far, on the basis that they only support Oracle dbs.

We are updating the Functional requirements' document now, attempting to get support from the IT/FIO group. The outcome of this is still unclear but the VOMS introduction in the LCG2 releases is there.

VOMS being a very visible service (the VOMS server must be responding everytime a user of the VOs it hosts types voms-proxy-init), it must be available, performant and reliable.

Maria Dimou, IT/GD Grid Infrastructure Services