VOMS software status February-March 2006
Last update 2006-03-10
voms-admin bugs addressed in this Release:
- Open, with priority of importance, coordinated by John White:
- ticket
id=10434 voms-admin to allow updating existing VOs during upgrades
for convenience of the installer. Action
on the developer.
- ticket
id=10927 a fixed voms-admin bug that re-appears at random times. Being
investigated by the developer.
- ticket
id=14912 the ldap-sync script doesn't run from cron. Happens today
with voms-admin 1.2.10 as in gLite R1.4.1. Fix included in voms-admin
1.2.15 release. Action on the Integration Team.
- ticket
id=7634 The bugfix for the problem synchronising users, despite
their CA is trusted (Addolorata case) will end in the
1.2.16 voms-admin
release. What do we do if it is not in glite3 voms?
- ticket
id=15218 voms-admin doesn't allow the approval of a candidate VO member
a few days (hours?) after request submission. This may not affect VOMRS
registrations but it is very serious for voms-admin based VOs.Action
on the developer.
- ticket
id=10970 didn't close database (db) connections. Gridmap file generation
hang and site admins complained. First observed in gLite R1.3. Fixed
in R 1.4. Still "Open" in status "Ready for Test".
This problem was reported for a MySQL installation. We saw no problem
with 90 simultaneous edg-mkgridmap processes for an Oracle installation.
To be tested with data in MySQL. Appears fixed in our tests.
Action on the submitter to close, if he agrees.
- ticket
id=13592 concerns the display of pending requests for processing
by the VO-Admin. Doesn't affect VOMRS-based Registration flow (CERN
servers). First observed in gLite R1.4 Enhancement. "Ready
for Test"
- ticket
id=13863 voms-admin sometimes gets stuck in the boot process and
locks down tomcat. Fixed in voms-admin 1.2.12. We don't have a method
to test the fix.
- ticket_id=14057 latest
of any nested savannah tickets on tomcat performance. Appeared fixed
in tests for the first time in voms-admin 1.2.15-1. A last test
is suggested with garbage collection enabled. Developers to react to comment
- ticket
id=14193 related to the above. voms-admin 1.2.12 no more allows
the grid-mapfile generation. voms-admin 1.2.13 didn't build. 1.2.14
is made available today. Tested. Fixed.
- ticket
id=14398 voms-admin on MySQL bug: concerns impossibility to list
the users when they have more than one Role. Doesn't affect CERN installation,
which is on Oracle. Appears fixed in the tests. Action on the
- ticket
id=14776 No database deletion should happen by default when doing
a new voms installation. Tested. Fixed.
- ticket
id=14885 VOMS restart fails to properly start VOs. Testing showed
that problem still existed on Feb 9th. Classified "Invalid" in
agreement with the tester.
voms core bugs addressed in this Release:
- Open, with priority of importance, coordinated by Valerio Venturi:
- ticket
id=15023 voms-oracle bug harming backend db servers' performance
by not using bind variables. Left out of
glite3 due to lack of time. The db group will provide a back-end
VOMS only to allow quick transfer to the production db servers.
Bug remaining in the pipeline for fixing a.s.a.p. Action
on the developer to implement fix.
- ticket
id=15024 voms-oracle enhancement. Time-out idle connections.
Required by the db validation tests.Fix submitted. Action
on the db expert to confirm satisfactory performance.
- ticket
id=14909 to implement a re-try in voms-proxy-init. It would help
in cases when the db (Oracle) refuses (temporarily) further connections.
Implemented as 'session pooling'. Action on the developer or the
db expert to indicate a way to test this fix.
- ticket
id=15166 voms-oracle. Use load balancing on client side. Not urgent
but recommended. Action
on the developer to implement fix.
- ticket
id=12613 implement Connection Pooling. This is also a show-stopper
due to the criticality of the service, therefore the requirements for
data integrity
availability. VOMS data migration to the Production Oracle
database servers can't be done without the use of a Connection
Pool, keeping the total number of db connections less than 150. Tested.
- ticket
id=13899 thread safety. Fixed in v.1.6.15. To be tested
for 1.6.x (x>15). Tested.
- ticket
id=14915 related to the above. Memory leak in v.1.6.16. Tested.
- ticket
id=15021. Contact multiple servers even if they are not replicas
(complementary function of lcg-voms.cern.ch and voms.cern.ch). Fixed. Action
on the submitter to close the bug.
- ticket
id=14026 (enhancement: require the voms server host certificate
DN only on voms clients) Left out of fixes required for gLite3 due
to lack of time.
- ticket
id=14865 voms core bug: stopping the service (/etc/init.d/gLite
stop), the middleman process (one per VO in the server), which is responsible
for DB connection, is not terminated. Fixed in v.1.6.20. Still there
the version we plan for gLite3 (1.6.16-5).
Installation & configuration scripts:
- Open:
- ticket
id=14910 related to ticket id=12613. voms (oracle) installation
script to allow defining the number of initial connections. Depends
on ticket id=15024. Action
on the db expert to confirm fix.
- Fixed:
- ticket
id=12590 (improvement) facilitate tomcat parameters for voms server
The formal test report by Maria Alandes is in https://edms.cern.ch/file/631389/1/VOMS-report-R20060302.doc
Maria Dimou, IT/GD,
Grid Infrastructure Services