From Thu Jun 24 14:38:10 2004 Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 12:28:44 +0200 From: Nathalie Grub To: Maria Dimou Subject: FW: Questionnaire on PIE db update procedures (fwd) Dear Ms Dimou-Zacharova, Please, find below some answers from the LHCb Secretariat in collaboration with P. Charpentier and Joel Closier. We hope it will help you. The fax will follow. Best regards, N. Grub LHCb Secretariat ___________________________________________________________________- First of all, we would like to point out that in the PH Division several categories of personel are managed by different services : CERN staff = PH Divisional Secretariat Users = Users Office External = Experiments Secretariats. In this case the external member is defined as a person participating in an experiment, without having any contract with CERN. Most of the time these persons will come at CERN. At this moment they will be registered as users PH Divisional Secretariat treats another category of externals (ex. Consultants). The database system we use at the LHCb Secretariat is PIE. 1. How do you discover that an experiment member left the collaboration before the end of his/her contract, i.e. before Participation_End_Date is reached? -through the indication of the person or through his/her Team Leader. For users, the Participation_End_Date is always open, except for short term contracts (max. 3 months). 2. How meaningful is the Participation_End_Date for you, i.e. how long after he/she left are you likely to process the deletion from HR db? - No deletion is permitted at our stage (Experiment Secretariat). The Participation_End_Date is an indication for the Greybook and for the authors list for publication. 3. Do you get automatic notification from HR db when a user's contract is about to expire, i.e. the Participation_End_Date approaching? If yes, what do you do? -Once per month, we receive a notification from PH Divisional Secretariat about arrivals and departures in the Division (for staff). PH Divisional Secretariat manages the participations. The user will receive a notification from the Users Office that his/her contract will come soon to the end. The user's participation stays open, unless notification from the user himself or his/her Team Leader. 4. Do you contact the experiment members for renewals or you expect them to come to the experiment secretariat? -Contract renewals ? Manage by PH Divisional Secretariat and Users Office. 5. Do you trust the experiment members' input on his/her information change/update/contract-renewals or do you check with the Institute Representative (Team Leader) every time? -For user, the Team Leader should sign the change/update/contract-renewals form. 6. How do you handle summer students? Do you register them in the same way as you do for collaborators of a longer contract duration? How many days does it take you to register them? -Summer students contracts are managed by the PH Divisional Secretariat. 7. Do you register experiment members who never come to CERN and who don't need CERN computer accounts? If yes: -We register external members, ie. experiment members who will not come to CERN in a near future, BUT who need CERN computer accounts. What information do you require in order to process their request? How can this information be transmitted to you (post, fax, email...)? How is this information validated? - LHCb registration + CERN computing account form should be filled in and signed + a copy of the passport. All means of transmition is accepted. No official validation, since external members. 8. Do you keep paper forms filled and signed by users and Team Leaders at registration time? For how long? - We keep LHCb registration forms for, at least, the life of the Experiment. - Official registration form for users are kept by the Users Office. 9. When the experiment management announces the withdrawal of an Institute from the collaboration do you immediately retrieve that Institute's employees and delete them from HR db? If not, what do you do instead? Users should be deleted from the database (depending on their contract) as well as the Institute. Work in collaboration with the Users Office and the other Experiments. 10. Could you please fax a copy of the registration form that your experiment secretariat asks the users to fill? Could you mark the mandatory fields on the form? We need to know exactly what data concerning the user are stored in the database. We use the data stored in the HR Division, nothing else. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 17:22:17 +0200 (CEST) From: Maria Dimou-Zacharova Reply-To: To: Dario Barberis , Federico Carminati , Philippe Charpentier , David Stickland , Atlas Secretariat , Alice Secretariat , Cms Secretariat , Lhcb Secretariat Cc:,,, Subject: Questionnaire on PIE db update procedures Dear All, the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) Registration Procedures' Task Force ( is investigating the possibility to use existing information sources in the process of registering people to use Grid resources. The following questions concern CERN HR db update procedures via the PIE db interface. They are sent to the LHC experiments' computing coordinators and the experiment secretariats. Your answers are vital for us to be able to draw conclusions on the usability of this information in the requiring, security-wise, grid environment. Please send the answer relevant to your experiment (please specify the name of your experiment at the beginning of your message) to Lcg Registrar : ------------------- 1. How do you discover that an experiment member left the collaboration before the end of his/her contract, i.e. before Participation_End_Date is reached? 2. How meaningful is the Participation_End_Date for you, i.e. how long after he/she left are you likely to process the deletion from HR db? 3. Do you get automatic notification from HR db when a user's contract is about to expire, i.e. Participation_End_Date approaching? If yes, what do you do? 4. Do you contact the experiment members for renewals or you expect them to come to the experiment secretariat? 5. Do you trust the experiment members' input on his/her information change/update/contract-renewals or do you check with the Institute Representative (Team Leader) every time? 6. How do you handle summer students? Do you register them in the same way as you do for collaborators of a longer contract duration? How many days does it take you to register them? 7. Do you register experiment members who never come to CERN and who don't need CERN computer accounts? If yes: What information do you require in order to process their request? How can this information be transmitted to you (post, fax, email...)? How is this information validated? 8. Do you keep paper forms filled and signed by users and Team Leaders at registration time? For how long? 9. When the experiment management announces the withdrawal of an Institute from the collaboration do you immediately retrieve that Institute's employees and delete them from HR db? If not, what do you do instead? 10. Could you please fax a copy of the registration form that your experiment secretariat asks the users to fill? Could you mark the mandatory fields on the form? We need to know exactly what data concerning the user are stored in the database. Please address your fax to: Maria Dimou &/or Ian Neilson (CERN IT/GD) fax. no 022 7674900 Thank you very much for your time! -- The LCG Registration Procedures' Task Force