From Wed Jun 16 12:15:25 2004 Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 11:52:08 +0200 From: Claire Massip To: Lcg Registrar Cc: Dario Barberis , Connie Potter Subject: Questionnaire on PIE db update procedure Good morning,   Please find below the answers from Atlas secretariat. These are replies from an Experiment secretariat. Most of this work you are enquiring about is handled by the Users'Office.  Regards, Connie & Claire Atlas secretariat   *******************************************************************   1. How do you discover that an experiment member left the collaboration before the end of his/her contract, i.e. before Participation_End_Date is reached?   We usually do not   2. How meaningful is the Participation_End_Date for you, i.e. how long after he/she left are you likely to process the deletion rom HR db?   It's only useful for the Short-Term participants. Otherwise, we never use it because we never delete people.   3. Do you get automatic notification from HR db when a user's contract is about to expire, i.e. Participation_End_Date approaching? If yes, what do you do?   No, we do not receive an automatic message.   4. Do you contact the experiment members for renewals or you expect them to come to the experiment secretariat?   Renewals are handled by the Users'Office. They come to the Experiment secretariat once they have disappeared from the CERN Phone book.   5. Do you trust the experiment members' input on his/her information change/update/contract-renewals or do you check with the Institute Representative (Team Leader) every time?   We trust them.   6. How do you handle summer students? Do you register them in the same way as you do for collaborators of a longer contract duration? How many days does it take you to register them?   They bring us their computer account form so that they have a computer account. We give them the Atlas registration form to fill to become an Atlas member but they have been already registered in the database from Divisionnal secretariat. It takes 2 days to have a computer account.   7. Do you register experiment members who never come to CERN and who don't need computer accounts? If yes: What information do you require in order to process their request? How can this information be transmited to you (post, fax, email...)? How is this information validated?   They are registered as EXTERNAL. This allows then to have computer accounts but very little other access. The form can be sent by email/fax   8. Do you keep paper forms filled and signed by users and Team Leaders at registration time? For how long time?   Yes. We keep them in two specific folders : one for the Users and the other for the change of Team Leaders. We keep the Users' one one year in the secretariat and then, we are recorded them for another year. The one concerned the Team Leader is kept in the secretariat for 2 or 3 years.   9. When the experiment management announces the withdrawal of an Institute from the collaboration do you immediatly retrieve that Institute's employees and delete them from HR db? If not, what do you do instead?   We closed their participation in the database.     ******************************************************************** Claire MASSIP Secretariat Atlas Departement PH CERN 1211 GENEVE 23   Tel.: Fax: E-mail: *********************************************************************