From Mon May 10 16:05:02 2004 Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 17:47:05 +0200 From: Isabel Fernandez Gonzalez To: Maria Dimou , Chris Onions Cc: Ian Neilson Subject: RE: Notes from our discussion on PIE updates on 2004-04-30 Hello, It's fine. I think I have already send you the procedure link, just in case: Just to add that PIE shows Oracle*HR (as you mentioned), there are a few status categories at cern, they are all show in PIE(linked to the personal information), do not take care of the obsolete ones. 01 Fulltime employment 02 Halftime for medical reasons 03 Part time employment 04 Incomplete time above 28 hours a week 05 Incomplete time below 28 hours a week 06 Progressive retirement 07 Halftime on legislative basis for family reasons 08 Incomplete time ADMI Administrative Stagiaire Stagiaire administratif APPR Apprentice Apprenti AUXI OBSOLETE : Auxiliary Auxiliaire CASS Corresponding Associate Attache correspondant CFEL OBSOLETE : Corresponding Fellow Boursier correspondant CHIL Child Staff Enfant de fonctionnaire CNST Consultant Consultant COMT Committee Member Membre du Comite CONV OBSOLETE : Concessionary Staff CS Casual CSLT OBSOLETE : Consultant External CTEM OBSOLETE : Temporary CERN Temporaire CERN DOCT Doctoral Student Stagiaire doctorant ENTC Employee of a CERN contractor Employee d'entreprise contractante du CERN EXMP Ex-Member of Personnel Ancien membre du personnel FELL Fellow Boursier FR Fulltime-Regular FT Fulltime-Temporary FTMP Future Member of the Personnel Futur membre du personnel FUPA Future Unpaid Associate Futur attache non paye GPRO OBSOLETE : Guest Professor Professeur invite KR_ARB Arbeit KR_CON Contractor KR_EXE Executives KR_FUL Full time KR_PAR Part time LABS OBSOLETE : Laboratory Staff Personnel de laboratoire MISC OBSOLETE : Miscellaneous Claimants Divers indemnises NL_TRA Trainee PART Participant to an experiment PDAS Paid Associate Attache remunere PDSA OBSOLETE : Paid Scientific Associate Attache scientifique remunere PJAS Project Associate PR Parttime-Regular PT Parttime-Temporary RETR Retired Retraite SFEL OBSOLETE : Senior Fellow Boursier superieur SNAT National Service Volonteer Volontaire du service national STAF Staff Member Titulaire SUMM Summer Student Etudiant d'ete SURV OBSOLETE : Survey Stagiaire Stagiaire geometre TECH Technical Student Etudiant technique TEMC Temporary Labour for CERN Travailleur temporaire pour le CERN TFEL OBSOLETE : Travelling Fellow Boursier itinerant UPAS Unpaid Associate Attache non remunere UPSA OBSOLETE : Unpaid Scientific Associate Attache scientifique non remunere USAS Unpaid Associate with Subsistance Attache non remunere avec subsistance USER User Attache USSA OBSOLETE : Unpaid Scientific Associate with Subsistance Att. scient. non remunere avec subsistance UTAS OBSOLETE : Unpaid Associate with Travel Attache non remunere avec voyage UTSA OBSOLETE : Unpaid Scientific Associate with Travel Attache scientifique non remunere avec voyage VICO OBSOLETE : Visitor or Speaker Visiteur ou Conferencier EXTN External ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- Rows returned: 61 Best regards, isabel > -----Original Message----- > From: Maria Dimou > Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 3:57 PM > To: Chris Onions; Isabel Fernandez Gonzalez > Cc: Ian Neilson > Subject: Notes from our discussion on PIE updates on 2004-04-30 > > > Dear Isabel and Chris, > thank you very much again for your time and explanations last week. > > > > contains the notes of our meeting. > I'd be grateful for any comments/corrections. > Thanks in advance for reading them. > Yours > -- > - maria > > Maria Dimou-Zacharova > CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland >, Tel: +41-22-7673356, Fax: +41-22-7677155 > > >