The LCG Deployment Group is looking into the process of registering users to use Grid resources. Following discussions in various project committees on utilizing existing experiment and HR databases located at CERN for this purpose, we would like to understand better what this means. A small Task Force was set up for this investigation due to report conclusions to the LCG Security Group and the Grid Deployment Board (GDB). Questions: ========== .What databases exist? .What is the difference between Experiment Databases (PIE?) and CERN HR db? Are the Experiment Databases sub-sets of CERN HR db? Is CCDB a sub-set of CERN HR db? .Are all members of LHC experiments in the respective Experiment Database? .Which are the mandatory fields on a person's record in the database? Which of this information is confidential and can't be replicated? Is there any field that contains information about the "Role" of the person in the experiment? .Do all members of LHC experiments have CERN computer accounts? .Who registers the experiment members in the Experiment Database? .Are non-physicists experiment members (engineers, technicians) also in the Experiment Database? .Is in the (which?) database an Institute Representative (IR) responsible for confirming a person's membership in an experiment? .If yes, how does the IR confirm? Does he sign something? If yes, who keeps this paper archive? .If not, who does the verification/confirmation of the user's data? .How up-to-date this information is? What date-related fields do we have to judge that (e.g. date of registration, date of last update, contract expiration date)? .Is there any warning based on the above dates or notification after action is taken that is automatically sent to the administrator, the user or anyone else? .What happens when: .. an Institute leaves an experiment? Do all its members get removed from the Experiment Database? .. a person leaves the Institute .. a person leaves the experiment Is the IR who makes such requests? Is the experiment secretary who performs the transaction?