Manager on Duty (MoD)
- Effective September 2002.
- Tasks:
- Checks the quality of the reply sent to user (the MoD's
name is attached to all problems coming through the Helpdesk) by:
- Ensuring it is correctly phrased
- Checking the style and clarity of the answer
- Reducing useless and annoying e-mail Ping-Pong
- Helps the Helpdesk staff answering calls where they have
problems understanding or explaining, or where they have insufficient
time to deal with problems.
- Coordinates the resolution process with service specialists.
- Checks why problems remain in the same status for more
than 2 days. Remedy generates reminder mails for such cases according
to the Service Level Agreements (SLA).
- Acts as the link between users and service providers.
Will contact service providers in case of problems that might be identified
by the Helpdesk, the operators or other sources, in order to coordinate
user information (news, zephyr messages or other user contacts).
- Prepares weekly service reports and statistics.
- Attends the "daily meeting" and other relevant coordination
- Keeps a log book for discussion with the rest of the
MoD team.
List based on text prepared by L.Pregernig and R.Woolnough for
the CERN IT C5 (weekly management) meeting.

CERN report on User Support
HEPiX Fall 2002