- Caspur expressed appreciation for the CERN participation
in the storage solutions' evaluation (Charles, Fabien, Jean-Damien, Gordon).
Together with Berkeley calls for a more general collaboration in these tests.
- FNAL's Computer Centre monitoring system NGOP appeared impressively
- Wireless is more relaxed in other labs (RAL, DESY). Requires
no registration but gives only internet (no intranet) access.
- John Gordon asked open questions about the future role of
HEPiX in the infrastructure management of LCG.
- All site contacts were unable to commit without prior agreement
of their management.
- We lack a "meeting theme" to attract speakers
in time. The preparation phase should be more active.
- The new European chairman, Wojcik Wojciech (CCIN2P3), was
chosen by the present chairs for being a member of an important Tier1 site.

After C5 REPORT from the
2002 HEPiX/HEPNT-W2K Meeting